Media Page
Contact information

James Wasserman at the Jefferson Memorial, 2012.
Photo by Left/Right Productions for Secrets of Secret Societies on The Discovery Channel
Books in Print
Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary.
Falcon Press, 1993. Reprinted Sekmet Books, 2004.
Revised and expanded 2006, Redwheel.
The Mystery Traditions: Secret Symbols & Sacred Art.
Inner Traditions. 1993, revised and expanded 2005
(formerly Art & Symbols of the Occult).
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day.
Chronicle Books. 1994, 1998. Enlarged Twentieth Anniversary Edition 2014
Please see: A Treasure of Antiquity Reborn
The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven.
Inner Traditions. 2001.
The Slaves Shall Serve: Meditations on Liberty.
Sekmet Books. 2004.
Weiser Concise Guide Series (as editor).
Redwheel, 2005 til 2009. (5 titles)
An Illustrated History of the Knights Templar.
Inner Traditions. 2006.
Secret Societies:
Illuminati, Freemasons, and the French Revolution.
With Una Birch, Ibis Press, 2007.
The Secrets of Masonic Washington:
A Guidebook to Signs, Symbols, and Ceremonies at the Origin of America’s Capital
Inner Traditions, 2008
To Perfect This Feast:
A Performance Commentary on the Gnostic Mass,
Sekmet Books, 2009
Revised third edition 2013
Pythagoras: His Life and Teachings
Edited new edition of Thomas Stanley’s 1687 biography
With a preface by Manly P. Hall
Ibis Press, 2010
The Temple of Solomon: From Ancient Israel to Secret Societies
Inner Traditions, 2011
In the Center of the Fire:
A Memoir of the Occult, 1966 to 1989
Ibis Press, 2012
Templar Heresy
A Story of Gnostic Illumination
Inner Traditions/Destiny Books, 2017
Assassin Master
Ibis Press (coming in Spring 2021)
Television appearances

(above) James Wasserman discusses The Egyptian Book of the Dead on the History Channel
History Channel: 2 hour special:
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
for Morningstar Entertainment, 2006
National Geographic TV:
Secret Bible: The Knights Templar
for Morningstar Entertainment, 2006
German TV Weld der Wunder:
Secret Societies for Dokurama, 2006
German TV Weld der Wunder:
Mythic Symbols and Numbers for Dokurama, 2006
Supernatural Investigator: Secrets of Washington, D.C.,
Arcadia Entertainment, Vision TV, May 2009
Templars Last Stand
Arcadia Entertainment, Vision TV, 2011
The Temple Mount
Arcadia Entertainment, 2012
Secrets of Secret Societies
The Discovery Channel, 2012
The Curse of Oak Island
History Channel, 2018

James Wasserman on Temple Mount, December 2011. Photo by Andrew Killawee
Into the Buzzsaw with Sean Stone
Gaia TV, January 2017

DVD / Broadcast Interviews
The Holy Mountain: Interview with Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1973
Secrets of the Occult: Hidden Treasures Productions, 2006
Secrets of Angels & Demons and Masons:
Hidden Treasures Productions (Also broadcast on PBS), 2005
Radio Interviews
NPR with Margot Adler
Coast to Coast Radio with Ian Punnett
WBAI The Gary Null Show
Millennial Radio with Alex Merklinger
Creative Health and Spirit with Linda MacKenzie
Radio Alchymy with Eben Rey
21st Century Radio with Zoe Hieronimus
Magick Mind Radio with Dr. Ed Craft
21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus
Full Moon Radio with Laura Moon
WOR Joey Reynolds Show
XZone Radio with Rob McConnell
Radio Liberty with Dr. Stanley Monteith
Masonic Central Radio with Greg Stewart
Dreamland Radio, Whitley Strieber, with William Henry and Peter Levenda
WZBC Radio with Victor Venckus
Beyond 50 Radio with Daniel Davis
USGL OTO Podcast with Peter Seals
Sighting on the Radio with Jeff Rense
In the Spirit Radio with Gary Goldberg
Just Energy Radio with Dr. Rita Louise
Guardians of the Holy Grail with Mark Amaru Pinkham
Sovereign Mind Radio with Sonia Barrett
Ken Hudnall on Borderland Radio
The Spirit Revolution with Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens (February 28, 2012) (iTunes)
Planetary Spirit Radio with Jeff Ferannini
HealthyLife.Net with Rabbi Wayne Dosick
Thelema Now Podcast: Thelema and Liberty (July, 2009)
Thelema Now Podcast: Pythagoras with J. Daniel Gunther (September 2010)
Coast to Coast Radio with George Noory on The Temple of Solomon (April 2012)
Thelema Now Podcast: The Temple of Solomon (May, 2012)
Coast to Coast Radio with George Noory on In the Center of the Fire (October 2012)
Thelema Now Podcast: In the Center of the Fire (August, 2012)
The Duncan Trussell Family Hour (January 2013)
Coast to Coast Radio with George Noory (October 2017)
Midnight in the Desert with Heather Wade (October 2017)
Published Articles in Books
Preface to The Commentaries of AL
by Marcelo Motta, Samuel Weiser, 1975.
Booklet of Instruction for the Thoth Tarot Deck,
U.S. Games/Weiser, 1977
An Introduction to the History of O.T.O.,
Equinox III, 10, 1986, 1990 Weiser
An Alternate Method of Prayer: The Middle Pillar as a Group Working,
Healing Energy, Prayer, and Relaxation
by Israel Regardie, Golden Dawn Publications, 1989,
Revised edition New Falcon Publication 2009
Interview in
American Magus: Harry Smith, A Modern Alchemist,
Inandout Press, 1996
Afterword and editing for
AHA! Liber CCXLII by Aleister Crowley
New Falcon Publications, 1996, Revised and expanded edition 2015
The Price of Freedom, Goddesses, Guns, and Guts
Pulling Liberty’s Teeth, Crowley’s Rebellion (four separate essays)
Rebels and Devils The Psychology of Liberation,
New Falcon Publications, 1996, 2000, 2008
Reissued in 2011 as Lucifer’s Rebellion
The Magical Path to Spiritual Attainment,
Foreword to Techniques of High Magic
by Francis King and Stephen Skinner, Destiny Books, 2000
An Occultist’s Guide to the Assassins and Illuminati,
in Secrets of Angels and Demons, CDS Books, 2004
Introduction to Secret Societies of the Middle Ages
by Thomas Keightley, Redwheel 2005
Introduction to The Key to Solomon’s Key
by Lon DuQuette, CCC Publishing, 2006
Introduction to Initiation in the Aeon of the Child
by J. Daniel Gunther, Ibis Press, 2008
Finding Himself in The Lost Symbol,
Secrets of the Lost Symbol, William Morrow. 2009
Defeating a Vile Threat
LVI, Scarlet Imprint. 2010
Dancing with the Dark Lord,
Preface to The Dark Lord by Peter Levenda, Ibis Press, 2013
The New Aeon in the New World
The Law of Libery in the Wild West
Success Is Your Proof, Sekmet Books. 2015
Introduction to The Eye in the Triangle
by Israel Regardie
New Falcon Publications, 2017
Introduction to The Tree of Life
by Israel Regardie
New Falcon Publications, 2017
Magazines Articles
Re-Creating A Classic: The Egyptian Book of the Dead,
U&lc Magazine, 1994
An Introduction to Secret Societies, New Dawn Magazine, 2001
Exploring the Roots of Terrorism, Interview,
Organica Magazine, 2002
Secret Societies, Lost Knowledge, & the Path of the Wise,
New Dawn Magazine, 2003
Political Liberty as a Spiritual Value, Evolve Magazine, 2005
Hassassins’s Ancestors, Secrets of Angels and Demons,
Special issue of U.S. News and World Report, 2005
Convening the Magical Roundtable, Interview,
Evolve Magazine, 2007
Hidden in Plain Sight
Behutet: Modern Thelemic Magick & Culture #42. 2009
Symbols and Psyche, New Dawn Magazine, 2009
Secret Symbols of Masonic Washington
Lotus Guide, 2010
An Excerpt from The Temple of Solomon
Behutet: Modern Thelemic Magick & Culture #50. 2011
Freemasonry and the Temple of Solomon
New Dawn Magazine, Special Issue 18, 2011
In the Center of the Fire
A Memoir of the Occult, 1966-1989
Watkins Mind, Body, Spirit
Issue 32 Winter 2012-2013
Is Donald Trump America’s “Positive Thinking” President?
New Dawn Magazine, March/April 2017
The Dawning of the Aeon of the Child
Personal Thoughts & Reflections
New Dawn Magazine, Special Issue Vol. 11, No. 3., 2017
Donald Weiser: In Memoriam
Watkins Body, Mind, and Spirit, August 2017
The Roots of O.T.O.In the Crusades
Solstandet, No. 6, Winter Solstice 2017
In Celebration of Liberty
The Key to Politics and Spirituality
New Dawn Magazine, Special Issue, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2018
Meeting “Dangerous” Milo
A Special Report
New Dawn Magazine, Special Issue, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2018
A Seminar on the Meaning of Magick:
TAHUTI Lodge, NY, 1987
Waco: Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls:
Afternoon Discussion Society, Long Island, NY, 1995
The Stages of Initiation: TAHUTI Lodge, O.T.O., NYC, 2003
Political Liberty and Esoteric Spirituality:
SEKHET–MAAT Lodge, O.T.O., Portland, OR, 2004
The Knights Templar, Assassins, and Freemasons:
Masonic Reading Society, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 2006
Secret Societies: Hermeticways, New York, 2006
The Roots of the Modern Mideast Conflict in the Middle Ages:
ForeWord Magazine, BEA, NYC, 2007
Freemasonry and the Quest of Liberty:
Livingston Masonic Library, Grand Lodge of New York,
May 29, 2009
Freemasonry and The Lost Symbol:
National Press Club, September 15, 2009
Video of National Press Club Talk Part 1
Video of National Press Club Talk Part 2
The Temple of Solomon and the Concept of Spiritual Ecstasy
Changing Times Bookstore, December 11, 2011
The Temple of Solomon: The Spiritual Heart of the Bible
Secret Centre Camp, February 25, 2012
A Contemporary History of Thelema
O.T.O. Centennial Conference, William Blake Lodge, June 23, 2012
TAHUTI Lodge 1979–1989
TAHUTI Lodge, New York, June 30, 2012
In the Center of the Fire
Secret Centre Camp, July 28, 2012
In the Center of the Fire
Sekhet-Maat Lodge, August 25, 2012
The Temple of Solomon
Sekhet-Maat Lodge, August 25, 2012
To Perfect This Feast: A Gnostic Mass Workshop
With Nancy Wasserman
Dove & Serpent Oasis, September 29-30, 2012
In the Center of the Fire: A Modern History of the O.T.O.
Swirling Star Lodge, December 16, 2012
To Perfect This Feast: A Workshop on the Gnostic Mass
With Nancy Wasserman
Scarlet Woman Lodge, March 29, 2014
The New Aeon in the New World: The Law of Liberty in the Wild West
O.T.O. in North America: Centennial Conference
Vancouver, BC, Canada. May 16th, 2015
To Perfect This Feast: A Workshop on the Gnostic Mass
With Nancy Wasserman
Dove and Serpent Oasis, January, 2016
A Talk on the release of Success Is Your Proof
Swirling Star Lodge, January 2016
Discussion with Shaman Don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Religiously Incorrect, May 2016

The Roots of O.T.O. in the Crusades
NOTOCON XI, Orlando, FL, August 12, 2017

Producing the Thoth Tarot
Catland Books, Brooklyn, NY, September 23, 2017
Some Reflections on Membership in O.T.O.
With Lon Milo DuQuette and Kent Finne at TAHUTI Lodge, September 24, 2017
